...args: any[]Optional
sessionThe exact file path to the base file name of the trust token file.
The actual file name will be tknFile + "-" + base64(lowercase(username))
trustSets this authenticationStore's trustToken and sessionToken properties. Also writes the trust token to disk.
Username of the account
Response to the 2sv/trust request.
Processes a successful iCloud sign in response. Sets this authenticationStore's sessionId, sessionToken, scnt, and aasp properties.
True if the secrets are all present, false otherwise.
The response from the sign in request
Parses cookies from a response and adds them to the authenticationStore's icloudCookies property.
True if cookies were found, false otherwise.
The response from the iCloud setup request
Generated using TypeDoc
The options provided to the iCloudService that owns this AuthenticationStore