Interface iCloudServiceSetupOptions

These are the options that can be passed to the iCloud service constructor.


  • iCloudServiceSetupOptions


authMethod?: "legacy" | "srp"

The authentication method to use. Currently defaults to 'legacy', however this may change in the future.



dataDirectory?: string

The directory to store the trust-token in. Defaults to the ~/.icloud directory.

logger?: "Debug" | "Info" | "Warning" | "Error" | "Silent" | ((level: number, ...args: any[]) => void)

Log level to use. Alternatively pass in a function that will recieve all log messages instead of being forwarded to console



password?: string

The password of the iCloud account to log in to. Can be provided now (at construction time) or later (on iCloudService#authenticate).

saveCredentials?: boolean

Whether to save the credentials to the system's secret store. (i.e. Keychain on macOS)

trustDevice?: boolean

Whether to store the trust-token to disk. This allows future logins to be done without MFA.

username?: string

The username of the iCloud account to log in to. Can be provided now (at construction time) or later (on iCloudService#authenticate).

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